What Is The Scope Of Agriculture Course?
Agriculture or farming is the practice of cultivating plants and livestock. Agriculture was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that enabled people to live in cities.
Agriculture Studies mainly focus on research and practices in agricultural science, dealing with disciplines like Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agricultural Microbiology, Soil Science, Plant Pathology, etc. This agriculture studies prepare students to apply modern agricultural techniques and technologies in the real world. Agriculture students are taught specific agricultural practices to increase productivity while reducing soil erosion and pollution. Agriculture course curriculum is divided into 4 years with each year having 2 semesters.
Advantages of Agriculture Studies include
Better job and career opportunities
It is one of the main advantages of agriculture studies. The job and career opportunities available in the agricultural sector are numerous. After passing out from the Best agriculture colleges, students can even decide to establish their own private firms based on their area of specialization. A student can also stand a fair chance of getting a job in the Public or Private Sector.
Agriculture studies is an exciting subject to explore
Compared to other subjects and courses, Agricultural studies is a more interesting subject to explore as it is more practical. Agriculture is a unique subject and choosing to study this course from the Best agriculture colleges will place the student at the top positions. There are many interesting subjects in agriculture studies such as agricultural science, food processing, water resource management, physiology of plants, food chemistry, etc.
Agriculture studies have a progressive path
Agricultural is an innovative sector that utilizes some of the most recent innovations in the field of science. By choosing to study of agriculture, one can build a bright career in the field, which is progressive and innovative in nature.
High demand for young graduates
If one has completed his/ her bachelor’s in agriculture then in the future there will be high demand for that graduate. There are still more opportunities for innovations and opportunities in the agricultural sector. Young graduates are in an ever-increasing demand to carry out more agricultural research which heads towards improving and transforming livelihood and technology.
There are more opportunities for Agriculture business in India
India has always been traditionally considered an agricultural society, primarily, which continues even today. After completing studies in agriculture one can easily get a job in India. Around eighty percent of individuals in the country are directly or indirectly employed in the primary sector and therefore, there are many chances for growing the Agriculture business.
High opportunities for young graduates and entrepreneurs
Agriculture Studies provide a lot of golden opportunities for young graduates as well as for entrepreneurs. As the agricultural sector is a type of sector that is always full of opportunities. The sector is warm and welcoming to young entrepreneurs and owes the eyes to identify business opportunities. It is one of the best job creation sectors.
“A degree in agriculture gives you the skills and knowledge to deal with agricultural sales, agriculture business, food production, etc.”
In India, a career in agriculture is one of the preferred choices of science students.
Is agriculture a good career option for future
After pursuing courses in the agriculture field, you can apply for jobs in government as well as in private organizations. There are various job opportunities are available for agriculture graduate aspirants. This field can easily lead you towards highly paid jobs.
Agricultural field offers job opportunities in horticulture, poultry farming, plant science, soil science, food science, animal science, etc. Some of the other agricultural activities that give attractive returns are horticulture, dairying & poultry farming. As a landscaper and horticulture, you can get employed in hotels, health farms, resorts, etc.
Self-employment opportunities are also available in this field. After completing graduation in this field and with some experience, you can start up your own business like an agriculture firm, agriculture products shop, arginase industry, etc.
So, on the whole, Agriculture Studies provides you a great platform for your Bright Career.